Sunday Morning

	I awoke covered in cold sweat. With the curtains drawn and the room dark and still, my dream was pulled, for a brief moment, into waking life. I drifted weightlessly in a nameless sea, paralyzed by fear, surrounded by infinity. But as the bedroom came into focus I regained my grip on reality, the dream bled away. I began to calm. Had it been the sea, or the void of outer space? I had been weightless and unbelievably cold, but had not worried about air. I stood up quickly from my bed and reached for the curtain, but stopped. The dream was fading, and the dark helped me remember. Below me had been dark, but I had turned my head upwards saw it fade into a deep blue, and even brighter. I had a feeling of great vertigo as it seemed I should suddenly fall towards that void, but I did not. Then I had felt something other than the cold, but I do not remember what. I had looked around frantically, and eventually caught sight of pale lights far below me. I could not move and could only wait as they drifted ever closer. As the lights approached, I had a horrible revelation that it was in fact one single entity that was drifting up from those black depths. A massive, silent monolith moving upwards towards me. I recalled a pressure, or wave, as it neared, and filled the view below me. Then, something else - A sound, a scream, or a word had been spoken silently to me through the void. 
	This memory revived a crushing fear I had felt at that moment. At once I tore the curtains aside and was relieved to be met with calm morning sunlight. It began to sooth me, and the nightmare faded further. But as I looked out across the Atlantic from my seaside home, my hair suddenly prickled. The sight of the gleaming sailboats, and gulls soaring in the Sunday morning air did nothing to disguise the blue abyss that stretched across the horizon.