
	You sit cross-legged on a great scale, the massive figures of Life and Death watching. You look to the other side and see a single feather. It's side falls, and you feel yourself rising. 

    Death and Life look to you and speak simultaneously. 'We judge you righteous.'

    You get off the scale, and both figures approach you, now much smaller than before. Death holds out his hand, and you look nervously to Life.  'Go on, my child,' She says. 

    You feel calmer, and you walk forwards and take Death's hand.  At once, you find yourself high in the air, above a vast green field tousled by the breeze Death floats beside you. 

    'What is this place?' You ask. 

    'The final life,' He begins. 'You don't remember, but you will soon enough.' Death smiles at you, and you realize he is an old man. His blue eyes shimmer with a gentle, sad kindness. He is stooped, as if carrying a heavy weight, and his beard is long and grey. 

    'You mean I've been here before?'  You hold a puzzled gaze with him.

    He looks out towards the horizon, where the sun and full moon rise together. 'Yes, you have. But I cannot tell you much, as I am only a guide. Soon you will remember.' The old man turns to face you again, holding a satchel. 'One last thing, you may take something with you.'

    'Take something with me?' You repeat. 

    'Yes, to this place.' He gestures slowly to the scene below you. 'It may be anything you like. You may, of course, choose not to bring anything at all, as many do. But I give you the offer.'

    You rack your mind for something you may want in this place, which grows more familiar every moment. You realize you are nude, and so is the old man, but you feel no shame. Your hands are empty, but you feel content having nothing. The old man looks at you with tired eyes, still with the shape of a smile behind his beard. You have made your choice.


    The old man's brow furrows slightly. 'I'm not sure I understand.'

    'For what I choose to bring with me. I choose you.'

    The old man's eyes glance towards the sky, and he mutters. 'Can that be done? Will it still work?'

    You follow his gaze and nearly see something out of the corner of your eye, but then it is gone. The old man looks to you again, his eyes seeming to glimmer more brightly.  'Yes, that will work.' 

    You both begin to descend to the field, and as you feel grass beneath your feet, memories begin returning to you. You can't help but smile and wipe the tears away as you look across the plain. 

    In the distance you see the smoke of a campfire, and see people sitting around it. They wave to you, calling you over, and you wave back.

    You turn to the old man, but he speaks first. 'Go on, I will catch up soon.' He stands a little taller now, the dark patches gone from under his eyes. He sits back against a large, weathered boulder. 'Let me rest here for a moment, I have been ferrying souls for a long time. Thank you.'

    You smile at him. 'You're welcome.' You turn and walk toward the familiar faces around the fire.